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Where is Choctaw Community Co-op located?Church of the Nazarene10200 SE 15th St.Midwest City, OK 73130
What day does CCHC meet?We meet on Mondays.
What hours does CCHC meet?We meet from 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM on Mondays.
What grades can attend CCHC?We serve grades Pre-K through 12th.
What is the average class size?The average class size is 10-12 students.
How much does CCHC cost?ENROLLMENT FEE There is a one-time yearly enrollment fee of $45 per family, due upon acceptance into the co-op. FAMILY FEE If one or more parents teach a class, the fee is $45 per family per month. CLASS FEES Some classes require extra fees due to the nature of what is taught and the additional supplies that are needed. These fees are collected at the beginning of each semester.
What does CCHC's school day look like?We have a 5-hour school day with a 45 minute lunch. We offer both core and elective classes.
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